covid-19 en Working from home <span class="field field--name-title field--type-string field--label-hidden">Working from home</span> <div class="field field-node--field-blog-tags field-name-field-blog-tags field-type-entity-reference field-label-above"> <h3 class="field__label">Blog tags</h3> <div class="field__items"> <div class="field__item field__item--covid-19"> <span class="field__item-wrapper"><a href="/taxonomy/term/73" hreflang="en">covid-19</a></span> </div> <div class="field__item field__item--working-from-home"> <span class="field__item-wrapper"><a href="/taxonomy/term/74" hreflang="en">working from home</a></span> </div> <div class="field__item field__item--foss"> <span class="field__item-wrapper"><a href="/taxonomy/term/10" hreflang="en">foss</a></span> </div> </div> </div> <span class="field field--name-uid field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden"><a title="View user profile." href="/user/1" class="username">dave</a></span> <span class="field field--name-created field--type-created field--label-hidden">Wed 18/03/2020 - 09:11</span> <div class="clearfix text-formatted field field-node--body field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden"> <div class="field__items"> <div class="field__item"><p>In light of the current global pandemic, there's lots of interest out there on "working remotely" or "working from home". We've been doing a for years, and it has a lot of advantages... here's how we do it....</p> <p>The OER Foundation (we're the charitable foundation that coordinates the <a href="">OERu</a>) is a "remote organisation". There is no central office - after all only two of us work for the Foundation full time. We both work from our homes, in <a href="">Mosgiel</a> and <a href="">Christchurch</a>, two centres about 5 hours drive apart in the South Island of New Zealand. We also have colleagues, who dedicate part of their time to our projects, based at <a href="">Otago Polytechnic</a> in Dunedin. Despite our small (but plucky) team, we collaborate with educators at<em> <a href="">40+ tertiary institution partners</a> (universities and polytechnics) in 5 continents around the world who amplify our efforts</em>...  Luckily for us, we both have the benefit of high speed internet access and a knowledge of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) and how to make it work for our requirements - and scale for a <em>global</em> audience of educators and learners!</p> <h2>How we work</h2> <p>At the OER Foundation, we're task oriented (not time oriented - no timesheets). Every week, I have a set of standard tasks I undertake, as do my colleagues, and we have to get them done. For example, I "go around the (virtual) traps" at the start of each week to ensure all our remote systems are up-to-date and secure as possible. When those are done, we have a bunch of longer term (important-but-not-urgent) projects that are under way, scheduled in a kanban board (we use either our NextCloud's "Desk" plug-in or the very fine <a href="https;//">Kanboard</a> FOSS app) or by agreement.</p> <p>During the day we have frequent communication and collaboration among our small team, as well as with the broader group of OERu partner representatives - our Rocket.Chat system is our virtual meeting room and water cooler for both meeting and informal discussion.</p> <p>A few of us meet online for a video chat each day to catch up on the days work, talk strategy, and socialise a bit. We usually have our chats using Jitsi Meet, which is triggered by Rocket.Chat. Lately, we've been using Big Blue Button a lot more for our catchups, just to mix it up a little - they're both great for small groups (Big Blue Button also supports much larger groups).</p> <p>Here's a table laying out our "work from home" stack:</p> <table style="width: 90%; padding: 4px 8px; border: 0px black solid" summary="The FOSS tools we use to work remotely, all the time."><tbody><tr><th>Technology category</th> <th>Specific FOSS technology</th> <th>Replaces</th> </tr><tr><th>Desktop/Laptop Computers</th> <td>Lenovo Thinkpads</td> <td> </td> </tr><tr><th>Operating System</th> <td><a href=";architecture=amd64">Ubuntu Linux</a> or <a href="">Linux Mint</a></td> <td>Microsoft Windows, Apple MacOS</td> </tr><tr><th>Email service</th> <td><a href="">Mailcow</a> (self-hosted - <a href="">how to do it</a>)(<a href="">commercial service</a>)</td> <td>Google Mail, Microsoft Outlook, Fastmail</td> </tr><tr><th>Email client (reading/composing)</th> <td><a href="">Thunderbird</a> (desktop), <a href="">SOGo</a> (webmail - built into Mailcow)</td> <td>Microsoft Outlook, Apple MailApp, Gmail, Hotmail, etc.</td> </tr><tr><th>Web browser</th> <td><a href="">Chromium</a> or <a href="">Firefox</a> or <a href="">Brave</a></td> <td>Google Chrome, Microsoft IE or Edge, Apple Safari</td> </tr><tr><th>Chat service, video conf</th> <td><a href="">Rocket.Chat</a> (self-hosted - <a href="/upgrading-rocketchat-10x-and-mongodb-40">how to do it</a>)(<a href="">commercial service</a>) - (access via browser, or <a href="">desktop and mobile</a> interfaces)</td> <td>Slack, Discord, Gitter, Microsoft Teams</td> </tr><tr><th>Document management and sharing</th> <td><a href="">NextCloud Hub</a> (self-hosted - <a href="/installing-nextcloud-hub-onlyoffice-ubuntu-1804">how to do it</a>)(<a href="">commercial service</a> - gov't and education discounts available)</td> <td>Dropbox, Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive</td> </tr><tr><th>Collaborative documents</th> <td>NextCloud's <a href="">OnlyOffice</a> integration (self-hosted - <a href="/installing-nextcloud-hub-onlyoffice-ubuntu-1804">how to do it</a>)(<a href="">commercial service</a> - gov't and education discounts available)</td> <td>Google Docs, MS Office 365</td> </tr><tr><th>Kanban project management</th> <td>NextCloud's <a href="">Deck app</a> or <a href="">Wekan</a></td> <td> <p> </p> <p>Trello, MS Project</p> </td> </tr><tr><th>Shared calendaring and contacts</th> <td>NextCloud's <a href="">Calendaring</a> and <a href="">Contact</a> apps</td> <td>MS Outlook, iCal, Google Calendars</td> </tr><tr><th>Scheduling (timezone aware)</th> <td>NextCloud's Poll app (part of NextCloud)</td> <td>Doodle Polls</td> </tr><tr><th>Password manager (share and personal)</th> <td><a href="">BitWarden</a> (self-hosted - <a href="/setting-your-own-bitwarden-password-keeper-and-sync-server">how to do it</a>)</td> <td>LastPass, 1Password, Keepassx, etc.</td> </tr><tr><th>Video Conferencing (&lt; 8 participants)</th> <td><a href="">Jitsi Meet</a> (externally hosted) browser-based or mobile apps (all FOSS)</td> <td>Google Hangouts, Apple Facetime, Microsoft Skype</td> </tr><tr><th>Video Conferencing (webinars, hundreds of participants, breakout rooms, etc.)</th> <td><a href="">Big Blue Button</a> (self-hosted)(commercial service <a href="">one</a>, <a href="">two</a>) browser-based, mobile apps available - if you want to try it yourself (gratis) go to the NZOSS' "<a href="">Work from home</a>" page.</td> <td>Zoom</td> </tr><tr><th>Social Media</th> <td><a href="">Mastodon</a> (self-hosted)</td> <td>Twitter</td> </tr></tbody></table><p>Outside of that stack of software applications, we use lots of other FOSS apps on the desktop, like <a href="">Inkscape</a> (for vector drawings, replacing Adobe Illustrator), <a href="">Krita</a> and <a href="">Gimp</a> (to modify images, replacing Adobe Photoshop), <a href="">Kdenlive</a> (to edit video), <a href="">LibreOffice</a> (to edit PDFs, documents, spreadsheets, drawings, presentations, replacing MS Office), <a href="">Audacity</a> (editing audio like voice-overs and podcasts), and many others, and many dozens of development tools to produce digital artefacts. If you're looking for a FOSS tool to do a job, <a href="/contact">let us know</a> - perhaps we can help you find one that's suitable!</p> <p>If you want to learn more about our cloud infrastructure - which involves a whole additional constellation of FOSS technologies - here's a <a href="/node/23">review of our 2018 technology stack</a> (here's an <a href="/node/55">updated version in early 2023</a>), with which we are providing a full online university...</p> </div> </div> </div> <section class="field field-node--field-blog-comments field-name-field-blog-comments field-type-comment field-label-above comment-wrapper"> <a name="comments"></a> <div class="comment-form-wrapper"> <h2 class="comment-form__title">Add new comment</h2> <drupal-render-placeholder callback="comment.lazy_builders:renderForm" arguments="0=node&amp;1=31&amp;2=field_blog_comments&amp;3=comment" token="sLz-SwBuWdXbxVlQ0hryx85rnXi263GuAbWsaTp-zmk"></drupal-render-placeholder> </div> </section> Tue, 17 Mar 2020 20:11:13 +0000 dave 31 at