Configuring a Linux server to send email via the Postfix SMTP server using an external authenticating SMTP host
Just about any and every server needs to be able to send email - whether it's end-user-email, like password recovery services for a website to emails to system administrators reporting on the status of system backups and errors. The problem is that it's non trivial (understatement) to set up a mail server properly.
Protecting your users with Let's Encrypt SSL Certs
SkFor any website that requires anyone (users or even just a few admins) to transfer secrets to and from it, you want to ensure the data is end-to-end encrypted. Today various browsers (like Firefox) give warnings when you're sending secret data (like passwords) "in the clear", namely unencrypted.
Installing NextCloud Hub with OnlyOffice on Ubuntu 18.04
Update 2023-06-14: Here's a new tutorial for Ubuntu 22.04! Consider this older tutorial obsolete (but possibly helpful for people with older systems?)