Protecting your users with Let's Encrypt SSL Certs
SkFor any website that requires anyone (users or even just a few admins) to transfer secrets to and from it, you want to ensure the data is end-to-end encrypted. Today various browsers (like Firefox) give warnings when you're sending secret data (like passwords) "in the clear", namely unencrypted.
Installing Rocket.Chat with Docker on Ubuntu Linux 14.04
Rocket.Chat is a modern, open source messaging application which is functionally similar to a popular (and heavily marketed) proprietary tool called Slack.
Installing Wekan with Docker on Ubuntu Linux 14.04
Wekan is an excellent, easy-to-use "kanban board" project management support tool, suitable for all manner of projects. For those who have used the highly marketed Trello kanban service, Wekan is functionally similar open source alternative that organisations can host and control for themselves. They can also enhance it in whatever ways they are moved to do so. We encourage our partner institutions to consider this path as a way of reducing costs as well as increasing freedom and privacy.
Installing MongoDB with Docker on Ubuntu Linux 14.04
This post describes installing MongoDB (and backing it up and restoring from backup) in a Docker container on an Ubuntu Linux 14.04 virtual machine. (Update: 2017-05-24 we've just published an easier way to run MongoDB and Rocket.Chat and Wekan which depend on it)